Friday, January 7, 2011

MOVIES SHARING: Never Let Me Go...

That was such a long time never post any new blog. Probably, it is boring to hear my story! haha... I would prefer share with you of what other's story! Thus, movie sharing definitely is the best. :)

You would call me emo guy, or whatever, but, I do admit that I like to watch some very depth, emotional and presumably confusing movies. ;) Recent, no, just now, I was finished watched a movie, a pathetic movie - Never Let Me Go. It's title attracted me, I thought it is some kind of horror movie, conversely, it was a sad and sci-fi movie (IMDB, 2010).

This movie is actually inspired from a Japanese writer, Kazuo Ishiguro. There were three children, Kathy (Carey Mulligan), Tommy (Andrew Garfield) and Ruth (Keira Knightley, when she appeared, she really surprise me!) who grow up together and studied in same school, Hailsham at the countryside. They are even worst than the orphan, as they grown up as adult, they would be a donor, fully donor till the end of life. The school only emphasizes strict discipline, and cultivate their creative and art, which make sure they have a healthy life so that they will be a healthy donor in future. How pathetic it is!

There is a threesome relationship between three of them, where Ruth was jealous on Kathy and interfere the relationship between Tommy and Kathy. However, I was kind of lack interest on viewing the struggle of love relationship between them. Instead, I'm thinking, what is the real meaning of their life? The greatest thing gifted from God to human is decision-making. We do have the decision for any aspect of our life. But they seem like a poor obedient, who have not right to possess even their own body, in fact, their life are belong to others.

The whole movie is winter, it really portrayed they are in the world of sadness and helpless. They were stayed somewhere very rural place and showed that they are almost quarantine with the society (called it as cottage). They even feel awkward when first time having foods at outside! It's that the purpose they Made for the society, as a "raw tool" for the other sake of life? I dont know man, although it is just solely a novel, but after watching it, it is really heartbreaking. One of the most heartbreaking scene is, when a female teacher asked the children what their dreams are? it really sad man, really really sad, given the fact that they ended up is just a donor.

When they meet up again, their conversation topic is, how many times you have donate? Questioning when is their completion (death, such a well-use of word)? Probably second time of donation would make them almost half dead. For my personal view of this movie, I would expect to see more about value of life, dont they get any suspicious of what are the purposes of their life, aren't they feel unfair and angry of their duty as knuckle down to the so-called faith? Anyway, I kind to like the idea of this story, as we are made by blood and flesh, and there is soul staying in our body? That's why we would feel pathetic and sorrow when seeing someone suffer, when especially someone loose his/her right of making-decision.

Oh yeah, another heart breaking is, their hand are wearing a some kind of detector device. When every time in and out, they have to scan through a detector beside the door. What is the matter? May be I hate being controlled or monitored, that's why seeing these scenes I'm very.... I dont know how to describe actually. Guys, if you after read my blog and get interested, go watch it, this movie really draw your heart-string! I dont really expressed the important part of the movie, let yourself experience it. :)

Children always innocent, and cute though.


Anonymous said...

Hi ken ken.. didn't know where to get a hold of you so thot id stop by here and wish you a happyyyyy birthdayyyyy !!! hope you have a wonderful day and a great new year with loads of success and happiness = ) tty sooon

Kennethank said...

there's been almost three months didnt logged into my blogspot... but look back your wish, it is really touching! Hahaha... thank you amna, wish have you enjoy your new year too! =)